High-scoring England wing Kay Wilson reveals her fear of baked beans – and more!
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen on the pitch?
Emily Scarratt had her shorts and pants pulled down in a tackle during a training session.
Who are the jokers in the squad?
Izzy Noel-Smith is really funny. Danielle Waterman as well. There are lots of characters who are good to be around in the squad.
Are there any pranks that you can tell us about?
We’re really sensible! Not really – we hide round doors and jump out at people. Sarah Hunter squeals every time!
What are your nicknames?
Wils. And I’ve always got called ‘Karen’ too. She’s sort of my alter ego on the rugby pitch. When I go onto a rugby pitch I change and people say “Karen’s out”. Kay to Karen – it’s quite close. It started when we were wrestling in pre-season once and has stuck since then. Whenever I’m in a bad mood, I’m Karen!
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Keeping up with the Kardashians on E! It’s so good.
What would be your specialist subject on Mastermind?
The Kardashians!

Family affair: The Kardashians pose at a magazine event. Photo: Getty Images
Do you have any phobias?
I’m scared of baked beans! I remember eating them as a kid, I must have been about eight or nine, and I didn’t like them. It’s the texture of the bean and the sauce goes everywhere. There are so many of them they almost come to life on the plate.
What are your bugbears?
Noisy eaters. I can’t name people but they know who they are!
Do you have any superstitions?
If I’ve had a good game I stick with the same sports bra; if I’ve had a bad game I think the luck’s run out so I try a new one. I’ve retired some and others I go back to after a couple of months, hoping the luck has recharged!
Who would you like to be stuck in a lift with and why?
Charlotte (Crosby) from Geordie Shore. It would be so funny. She could tell me all her funny stories and I think she’d be a really good laugh to be around.
Who would be your three dream dinner party guests?
Barack Obama – the coolest man ever. Charlotte Crosby again. And David Beckham.

Thumbs up: David Beckham would make a good dinner guest. Photo: Getty Images
What’s been your most embarrassing moment?
I got carted off on a stretcher at Twickenham, in front of all my family and friends. At the time I didn’t realise I’d broken my leg, so I just thought everyone in the stadium would think I was a wuss.
That’s a bit hard on yourself! Moving on, if you could be any of your England team-mates who would it be?
Lydia Thompson. She’s got a beautiful dog, Otis; her life is settled – she’s married and has a house; she’s level-headed and chilled out. Nothing seems to stress her, she’s always really happy, and she’s an amazing player. I don’t have my life as in order as her!
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Time travel.
What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever bought?
Board shorts. That was during a bad stage in my life! They were brown and I used to wear them all the time. They were awful.
What would you like to achieve outside rugby?
To own a yacht. I like the water and going on holiday on a yacht would be great. You could just jump off the side into the sea.
How would you like to be remembered?
As an all-round good egg.
This article originally appeared in the September 2017 issue of Rugby World.