By Gavin Mortimer Let’s for a while forget the future and enjoy the present. Yes, the Heineken Cup is upon us and though it may well be the last of…

FRESH FROM his exemplary performance during the match-for-the-ages between South Africa and New Zealand in the last round of the 2013 Rugby Championship, Nigel Owens has been handed another big…

THE EUROPEAN crisis has huge ramifications for Northern Hemisphere rugby. The quest for a fairer qualification system, which is fully justified, and the desire to control the game with the…

THE CARDIFF Blues are not exactly falling to pieces, but they are hardly enjoying bright skies and calm seas at the moment either. So when news comes in that Leigh…

AS LIKELY to budge as a bachelor who has taken a wrong turn and ended up backstage at a Victoria Secret show, Ligue National de Rugby (LNR) have joined Premiership…

CRIERS ALL over the land are shouting: ‘the Heineken Cup is dead. Long live the potential for an accord between the Anglo-French alliance and a possibly toothless and certainly smarting…